Princess of Wales Library
The library is located in the Multi-Professional Education Centre (MPEC) and provides services to Health Board staff & placement students.
Princess of Wales Hospital Library
About Us
Opened in the 1970s the library moved to its current site in the Multi-Professional Education Centre in 2010.
Staffing consists of two professionally qualified librarians, one library assistant and one library clerk. It has a particularly strong collection related to learning disabilities, nursing and mental health. Princess of Wales Hospital Library is part of Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.
Opening Hours
Out of hours Access / Arrangements:
Access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with an access card. Card is available for a £10 refundable deposit. PCs with internet access are available 24 hours a day.
Library Facilities / Access
Access is available to all NHS Wales staff and to students on placement.
Study and IT facilities:
There are 38 study spaces
The main IT room has 13 NHS PCs available with 1 networked printer
There is an out-of-hours IT room with 7 PCs and 1 networked printer. This room is also available to be booked for small training groups
Eduroam and hospital Wi-Fi available free
Main Services:
Literature Searching
Evidence based healthcare support
Article supply
Book loans and requests
Information literacy support including training in database use (Please call or email to pre-book a session with a librarian)
Regular Evidence Updates
Support for revalidation and reflective practice.
Binding service (small charge)
Photocopying & printing
Joining the Library:
To join the library please contact us in person, by phone, email or by completing the online form
Borrowing Books:
You may borrow a maximum of 10 books
Loans are for 4 weeks with 2 automatic renewals
You will receive regular email reminders about your loans
Books not on site can usually be requested in from another library for you
Literature Searches:
We conduct Literature Searches for research, clinical audit, service improvement, patient information and education
Literature searching requests will be accepted from the online form or via email and returned to you via email
Access to majority of databases e.g Medline, CINAHL, British Nursing Database, Embase etc
Evidence Summaries:
BMJ Best Practice is supplied through the NHS Wales eLibrary for Health
UpToDate is supplied through CTM Library Service
Article & eJournal Access:
The majority of journals are now available to NHS Wales staff online
Please visit LibrarySearch for access
Please contact the POWH Library Staff for further help with article access
Articles not available through NHS Wales LibrarySearch can usually be obtained via the library
Email requests are also accepted and articles are returned to you via email
The NHS Wales Librarian for University of South Wales Nursing placement students is Liam Bennett. Please contact them for library support and database training during your placement in the Bridgend locality.
Please contact us if you have any queries about the library service and we will be happy to help.
Further information on the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board Libraries can be found on their intranet page.
Library Contact Details
Address :
MPEC Building
Princess of Wales Hospital
Coity Road
CF31 1RQ
Telephone : 01656 753610
Email : library.bridgend@wales.nhs.uk
Website: www.nhswls.org/princessofwales
Librarian Contact Details
Librarian Services Manager
Sarah George
Telephone : 01656 753612
Liam Bennett
​Telephone : 01656 753611
Email : library.bridgend@wales.nhs.uk